Terry Pomerantz tells you more about helping sick kids.

“Yes, several foundations like the Pomerantz foundation help sick children and their families. Federal and provincial governments also have support programs, to bring assistance to the families of critically ill children.

If sick children and their families need to lean on the generosity of these foundations and our governments, they also need you, your presence and your love. No prosthesis can replace loved ones and friends.”

Unbearable circumstances

Families of critically ill children are often faced with new and very demanding needs. Often, the care the child needs forces at least one parent to work less or leave his/her job entirely in order to care for the child; this means family income can be greatly affected. 

With inflation right around the corner, the financial situation these families are faced with is not getting any better! Constantly being pulled in every direction while needing to be at their sick child’s bedside, parents no longer have time for themselves. They also have much less time for regular chores like cleaning and grocery shopping, as well as for leisure activities.

Their social circle quickly gets smaller and smaller, and the sick child, far away from school friends, is also facing his/her illness alone. This leads the family members to feel trapped and powerless.

Caregiver looking after and hugging a sick child with cancer during his chemotherapy

What can I do to help?

Yes, we can certainly give money to fundraisers for critically ill children. However, Terry Pomerantz also suggests: “… to give your time, also, to help these families. By, for example:

  • Offering to prepare meals
  • Helping with house chores and cleaning
  • Helping with grocery shopping once in a while
  • When possible, offering to care for the sick child for an evening or even a weekend, to give the parents a break
  • Encouraging the sick child’s friends to come visit or contact him/her regularly through social media.
Children help lay a table ready for the family meal

Existing financial aid

Here are the different financial aid programs offered to families of critically ill children by the government of Canada:

The government of Quebec offers a Supplement for handicapped children and the government of Canada offers the Child disability benefit (CDB).

disabled child in a wheelchair holds his parent's hand


Several organizations and numerous foundations help sick children in several different ways. Let’s mention :

  • Sun Youth helps poor families with critically ill children, who are recommended by the CHU Sainte-Justine and Montreal general hospital. This program exists thanks to a partnership with the Marcelle and Jean-Coutu Foundation.
  • The Fondation des gouverneurs de l’espoir helps families financially when they have a child who has cancer or a rare disease and they are in great financial difficulty.
  • Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation provides emergency financial aid to over 600 families to cover costs of medication, medical equipment and other essential needs that must be paid in relation to their child’s illness.
  • There are also regional associations like the Gisèle Faubert Foundation (MRC Roussillon) that help families with critically ill children in their region.

When and where to give donations?

If you know of a family in difficulty with sick children, nothing is stopping you from helping that family directly! “Helping sick children should be everyone’s business.” Terry Pomerantz adds: “If you prefer supporting an organization you love, go ahead! If you prefer donating time, go ahead! Do what you can, when you can. There is no small gesture when it comes to helping sick children and their families”.

The Pomerantz Foundation helps sick kids

Since the beginning of its creation, the Pomerantz Foundation has handed over more than 5 million dollars to over 30 not-for-profit organizations who help – in a variety of ways- children who are ill or in difficulty. All donations received by the Pomerantz Foundation are handed over in their entirety to the not-for-profit organizations they support.

Entrepreneur and prominent figure in Montreal's real estate and manufacturing sectors, Terry Pomerantz approaches every aspect of life with heart and character. At the helm of Domfoam and T.R.A.M.S Property Management, he carries on his late father's legacy while dedicating his philanthropic commitment to the Pomerantz Foundation, which has been actively supporting children's causes since 1991.