Terry Pomerantz is concerned. The Pomerantz family is concerned. We are all concerned. Hospitals are bombarded, maternity wards are bombarded. Children are dead or injured. Children hold on tight to their mothers or grand-mothers’ hands to flee from bombs. Mud, ruins, dads left behind to defend Ukraine, to defend the future they had dreamed of for their children.
How can we help Ukraine and the Ukrainian people
Terry Pomerantz invites us all to answer the repeated calls from the Ukrainian people.
“What can we do besides being outraged? You don’t have to consider it for very long, before you realize that outrage helps no one. We must act, if we want to regain a certain amount of control. We must read, think, keep ourselves informed, and give what we can!
We can act just by being generous. We can give money, clothes, help welcome refugees who will be arriving soon. Some of us can offer these desperate Ukrainian families a home. There are so many empty condos in downtown Montreal, so many homes that are larger than one needs, and so many country houses that are not being used.”

Give what is most useful
Accroding to the Sauver l’Ukraine (Save Ukraine) organization, the most useful things you can give, are:
- First aid kits
- Medication
- Clothes for male and female soldiers
- Protein bars or snacks
- Formula and baby food
- Clothes for children and babies
- Women’s clothing
- Sleeping bags.

Organizations that help Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees
Here is a short list of trustworthy organizations where you can give donations to help Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees.
- The UN Refugee Agency – Canada (UNHCR-Canada)
- The Humanitarian Coalition Ukraine Emergency
- The Canadian Red Cross – Ukraine Emergency Funds.
- The Canadian Foundation – Ukraine
- Join the help group Canada hosts refugees
There are a thousand ways to help Ukrainian women and children. Thanks to Terry Pomerantz’s leadership, the Pomerantz Foundation is deeply implicated with and supports several organizations that come to the aid of women and children in difficulties, like, amongst others, The West Island Women’s shelter and Sun Youth.
Entrepreneur and prominent figure in Montreal's real estate and manufacturing sectors, Terry Pomerantz approaches every aspect of life with heart and character. At the helm of Domfoam and T.R.A.M.S Property Management, he carries on his late father's legacy while dedicating his philanthropic commitment to the Pomerantz Foundation, which has been actively supporting children's causes since 1991.