ADHD: Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatment
It is increasingly common to encounter a child suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Although ADHD is not considered a disease, this disorder can be particularly debilitating for children and adults who suffer from it. However, solutions exist that will very effectively help those with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to excel in … Continued
Top 10 Symptoms of Burnout
Everywhere, burnout seems to be affecting more and more people. It makes no distinction between bosses, managers and employees. To prevent it, it is important to recognize the main symptoms of burnout to take necessary action quickly. Definition of Burnout The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) defines burnout as: “A syndrome conceptualized as resulting from … Continued
Our best wishes for 2022
After 2 years of pandemic, the Pomerantz Foundation team has first row seats to the impact COVID-19 has had on children in need and children who are different, their families, and the organisations that come to their aid. Terry Pomerantz, leader of the Pomerantz Foundation, deplores all of what COVID-19 has brought to light. “On … Continued
How to organize a fundraiser?
Each year, the Pomerantz Foundation donates millions of dollars to several charitable organizations that care for underprivileged children in Montreal. In this article, Terry Pomerantz gives us 6 tips for organizing a successful fundraising event. Terry Pomerantz’s 6 pieces of advice: Choose a cause that donors identify with Mobilize a team of volunteers Manage the … Continued
Terry and the Pomerantz Foundation wish you all the best for the holiday season
For the holiday season, Terry Pomerantz extends his best wishes to all his readers and to all those who help underprivileged children. This year more than any other, the Holidays will be a time for celebration. Of course, we will have to “reinvent” the way we get together. There will be fewer of us at … Continued
The secret to the success of the Queen Flash concert organized by the Pomerantz Foundation.
The Pomerantz Foundation has no shortage of creativity when it comes to organizing a fundraiser to help children in need. COVID-19, cancellation of the golf tournament “For the past 12 years, our annual golf tournament has raised considerable funds for the organizations we support. In 2020, the pandemic and the health measures of physical distancing … Continued
5 personalities testify to Terry Pomerantz’s generosity towards sick children
At the head of the family foundation set up by his father, Saül Pomerantz, Montreal entrepreneur Terry Pomerantz is unanimously recognized as a wonderful philanthropist who helps sick children. Here are a few excerpts from the testimonials we gathered from 5 personalities active in charitable and hospital organizations that care for children in need and … Continued
The Pomerantz Foundation and social economy in Quebec
The Pomerantz Foundation, helping underprivileged children for almost 30 years. Since its creation in 1991 by Saül Pomerantz, the Pomerantz Foundation has been dedicated to helping children in need. From the time he took over from his father at the head of the Foundation, Terry Pomerantz has steadily increased the family foundation’s support for charities, … Continued
COVID-19: Terry supports the Starlight Children’s Foundation’s Play From Home program.
All of these seriously ill and severely immunocompromised children were already fighting with exemplary courage against cancer, disabling illness or severe disability. And suddenly, COVID-19 happened! Mission: to create smiles The Starlight Children’s Foundation has made it its mission to “create priceless smiles and memories for seriously ill children.” Starlight achieves all the activities and … Continued